About Us
The Outer Guard
Widows Sons Chapter,
Lafayette, IN
We meet the First Thursday of every month
at 6pm at Floyd Lodge (1201 N 18th Street)
For info on joining or riding, contact us.
Freemasonry is the oldest, largest, and most esteemed fraternal organization in the world. Since 1818, the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Indiana and our entire Hoosier Masonic family have been cornerstones of nearly every Indiana community, large and small. Today, Indiana has 50,000 Masons in almost 400 lodges throughout the state, and we represent men from all walks of life.
Learn more: indianafreemasons.com
The Widows Sons is an affinity organization for Freemasons who enjoy motorcycling together. We are a chapter of Indiana Widows Sons Motorcycle Riders Association, a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization, ID 81-4966899. We are made up of several Chapters located in the State of Indiana. A Widows Sons member must be a Master Mason who is in good standing in the records of his Lodge, as recognized by The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Indiana.
Learn more: IndianaWidowsSons.com
Prince Hall Masonic Lodge
Floyd Lodge #23
1201 N 18th Street
Lafayette, IN 47904
Lodge #23 meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month (except for the month of August) at 7 o’clock in the evening.
Floyd Lodge #23 was chartered on Sunday, September 13, 1891, under the leadership of Past Grand Master William Floyd (1890-1893 Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Master of Indiana) along with granting the charters of lodges located in Muncie (Widow’s Son Lodge #22), Brazil (St. Paul Lodge #24) and Crawfordsville (St. Mark’s Lodge #25).
For over 120 years strong, the legacy of Floyd Lodge has educated as well as provided for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Indiana with a great number of community leaders, Past Masters, Past Grand Officers, and other great men who were Raised amongst the ranks of Floyd #23.
Contact Past Master Dwight Keller for any inquiries: (317) 506-2030